Frequently asked Questions

When you are interested in any item You can see by clicking on the “View” or when you need to order this product, click “Buy” after the product you choose to enter your number in the shopping cart you select.

When you click on “Shopping Cart” button on the top right of the website. You can modify the number Or edit your list by clicking. “Modify” or “negative list” after you click it. New products will vary based on your selected item.

When you select an item, then You can pay your order by clicking. “Proceed to Checkout” that you can pay multiple channels as detailed in the payment page.

The company will continue to ship products within 24 hours by Viettel Post service. The period of delivery to you no more than 2-3 days to 3-5 days in Ho Chi Minh City and metropolitan and provincial areas.

You can use the Viettel Post received. Contact our Customer Service Department at 0977 353 153.

You can order over the phone. The Customer Service 0977 353 153.

All credit card information is sent via SSL (Secure Socket Layer), a security standard to send information directly to the Internet. Safe system of electronic banking It does not store credit card information on the system’s server. Website anyhow

Please check your card-issuing bank.

Once your payment, the order confirmation will be sent to your email address if you do not receive an order confirmation by email, please try your purchase again if you have any questions, please contact Customer Service 0977 353 153.

  • Account transfer the money through the bank accounts of the origins of the meat liberties restricted.
  • Ship COD.

Prices on the website are inclusive of VAT.

Display some of the sites may be inaccurate when users access the site through a browser on a mobile device.

To clear the browser cache Each browser is a browser how to clear the cache varies. Please use the correct cache of the browser.